Wednesday, May 15, 2024
We're taking a departure from our
normal blogging content this week
there's a GRAND reason for doing so!
As a result, we've changed things up a bit!
As retirees, we love that we can do that now whenever we feel like it!
So, in place of the previously planned Our Grand Lives (OGL) post,
we’re highlighting a little bit about the past few weeks in our lives...
including a special introduction, too!
To learn more, read on…
One of our favorite things about the month of May is the celebrations that take place,
including one that happened this past weekend!
For those who celebrate,
we hope and pray that you felt the love
and had a memorable Mother’s Day!
Laurie and her Middles (her grown kids and spouses) went to a
family Mother’s Day outdoor work-out class with her!
Then they all came home and enjoyed the sunny 85 degree weather
(yes, in Minneapolis!)
with a glass of wine, snacks and playing in the backyard!
It was the perfect way to celebrate!
Laurie with her Middles and Littles!
Meanwhile, Laura’s Mother’s Day was truly memorable, as well!
In fact, the first two weeks of May have been unforgettable!
We are excited to share that
our Our Grand Lives family continues to grow!
You may recall, that Laura’s Daughter J and SIL
had not learned the sex of their baby beforehand!
Well… we all got our answer a week earlier than expected!
Our own Little P arrived on May 4, 2024!
Little P was the perfect gift for her mama (Daughter J)
who then got to bring her new baby home
on her own birthday, two days later!
This happy family of four had lots to celebrate!
Hubby and I got a few GRAND snuggles in during a quick trip to Wisconsin
the weekend Little P was born
and then again, with a return visit these past several days!
Oh those sweet squeaks and glorious cuddles!
There’s nothing like it!
Our Little P (not to be confused with Laurie’s Little P)
is adorable in every way (as is Laurie's Little P)
our precious Little L (now 2 ½ years old) loves being a big sister!
Laura was grateful to be with ALL her girls
this Mother's Day (which also happened to be her Daughter A's birthday this year)!
Talk about a full heart!
Those of you who have followed Our Grand Lives
since we published our first post in November of 2022,
may recall that the above phrase is our mantra in writing this blog!
When we began this journey,
we were recently retired kindergarten teachers and fairly new grandparents
As our families have grown, we’ve shared our ideas with you,
we’ve received great advice and ideas from many of you, our readers,
and, of course, we’ve learned valuable lessons from each other!
We’re not experts by any means,
but our passion for our loved ones is at the heart of all we do!
What a blessing it is to share
Our (growing) Grand Lives
with you all!
If interested, you can find out more about how we got started here and more about the two of us and our friendship here. Our goal in writing this blog has always been to share our experiences - one as a distant Grand and the other as one who lives near her Littles! We love sharing what we’ve found successful - especially with our Littles (but also with our Middles - our own children) as we build a library of resources to use now and in the future while also offering ways to tweak or change an idea to meet differing needs. At the same time, on occasion we use this platform to share insights or to revisit and document happenings in our own GRAND lives with family, friends and now, our blogging community!
Thanks for joining us on this journey!
As always, we invite you to follow us on any or all of our three social platforms!
where we share content regularly!
and you can find our growing collection of ideas on Pinterest, too!
We’d also love it if you’d consider subscribing to our blog!
And, if you know of any other GRANDS on a journey similar to ours,
we’d love it if you’d share our site with them!
Next time, we’ll return to our regularly scheduled post!
Since we both (still) have babies on our mind, our topic will (still) be
We look forward to sharing easy and engaging activities,
specifically geared toward Littles, 0-6 months old!
Thanks again for reading along as we share our joy!
Now we’re off to get in a few more sweet snuggles!
Thursday Favorite Things from Katherines Corner
Talking About It Tuesdays from Slices of Life
Thank you for featuring this post on your sites!
❤ We love our blogging community! ❤
❤️ We are delighted to join the following link up parties and blog hops!
Congratulations L&L on your new grand babies!
Thanks' so much for sharing this "GRAND" news with Sweet Tea & Friend's May link up.
Congratulations to everyone, what a lovely addition. My second daughter was born on 4 May too, quite a few years ago now! Thanks for joining us for #wboyc and we hope to see you again, I love grand-parenting stories and I have 4 little ones spread over the world so long distance is the way I have to grandparent! Thank goodness for technology is all I can say.
Debbie from
Congratulations on your new arrival. She's a real cutie. Thanks for linking up with us. Jo Tracey from and anyways for #WBOYC
Congrats! Being a grandparent is one of the best earthly gifts one can be blessed with! I'm also besties with my daughter's in-laws and we share 3, soon to be four, grands! My daughter is expecting beginning of January. AND, we also found out that my DIL is now expecting end of December! 2 in a week, Lord-willing! Blessings up blessings... all this and Jesus, too! ;-) ~Julie from My Wee Abode
A big congratulations! Little baby P is adorable. Thanks so much for sharing this lovely post with #MMBC. Have a great week. :)